Two names you go by: Curt-eye, that’s my cool game playing name and dad? When I am being asked if the kids can play a game or watch TV or eat or play outside.
Things you are wearing right now: Ummmmmmmmmm I’m getting ready to take a shower soooooooooooo nothing really but a white towel.
Two of your favorite things to do: Trying to paint figures and playing Age of Empires 3 while Stacey tried to talk to me.
Two things you want very badly at the moment: Ummmmm Stacey and having pizza with Stacey
Two Pets that you have or have had: Macavity she’s a fat spoiled cat and Tarful he is our psycho gerbil that went on a rampage one day against his fellow gerbils.
Two things you did last night: Work and talk to sj
Two things you did today: write this blog because sj made fun of me and talk to sj because that is what we do each morning.
Two things you ate today: Peanut butter and jelly and chocolate pudding.
Two people you last talked to: sj and myself, in the mirror.
Two things you're doing tomorrow: working and talking to sj
Two memorable vacations: When sj came to Panama City and we acted like we had no kids. And a weeklong temple trip I took when I was 16 to Utah when we saw the Manti pageant and went to the Salt Lake temple after that I flew to Ft. Collins and spent a couple of week with Carla and Rich and little Ashley and little, little Tyler.
Two favorite holidays: Christmas, and as Stacey and knows everything else that has to do with fall especially Halloween!