Nothing is better then The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.
Well this week is Halloween. I remember once when I was a teen all my friend decided that we wanted to trick or treating, but we felt like we were to old. We were in fact, because we were in High School. But it was all Priests from the same ward, and we had a tight group of guys that hung out all the time. Anyway we all dressed up as Christmas carolers and went to several of the members homes and we sang one song. It was fun. I don’t remember how much candy we got, but I remember just being stupid and having fun ideas like that. To this day many of us stay i contact, and that is the cool thing. Now our kids are getting older and you start remeber more things that you did when they reach certian ages. Not sure if that is good or bad. Ahhhh good times....remember? You were there, I was there... So happy All Hallows eve and hopefully there will be some other type of update.

Oh ya by the way three years ago we all dressed up as star wars characters, all the boys were jedi and I was sith. SJ was Padme and the girls were both Princes Leah. That was fun. Ahhhh good times, remember, you were there, I was there...
Little Leah
The little jedi and bigger Leah. Ben was Luke, Brayden was Anakin and Kyle was Obi-One Kenobi. SJ made all of the costumes by hand. Pretty cool. I think she broke like two or three needles. Ahhh good times, good times, remember? You were there, I was there........
lol!! I probably broke more than three needles!!! It was my FIRST time using a sewing maching and using patterns!!! Oh ya and thanks for sharing that yucky picture of me!! grrrrr
love you!! hee hee
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