Well it has been six years since Stacey and I got married. Six years. The time has gone by so fast and yet it doesn’t seem as if six years have past, if that makes sense. We still act like we did when we first got married. The only difference is now our kids our older, we have some and I say some gray hair. Other than that, though we are pretty much the same. It is great when you are in love and the one you spend your life with is your best friend. We don’t go out much, we would like to but you know we seem to be content at times just staying at home spending time with each other while working on our hobbies or playing video games or watching that 70’s show. Somehow this year has become a big 70’s show kick. We watch it all the time and laugh nonstop. Anyway, I just wanted to say to Stacey that I love you and I am so lucky to have you in my life and to have you by my side, as my wife, and best friend.

awwwwww!!!!!! You are the sweetest thing ever!! Thank you babe! I love you!! Happy Anniversary!!!
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwmy goodness you are so sweet!!!!!!!!
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