Well it's Mothers day and it a day to be able to remember Mom. As Stacey can say and everyone else who knows me I am still a mothers boy to this day. I have a great mom, she was there for me no matter what when I was growing up and is still there for me today. It was nice having her here at the end of December. I still remember so many things that I will take with me forever that reminds me of my mom and what she did for me in my life. this might sound stupid but certain smells come back to me that pictures my mom, like the smell of spaghetti sauce cooking all day long, or the smell of tacos and fried tortillas. I also remember getting Dion's Pizza every Saturday or going shopping with her to Safeway. Well there are a lot of memories that I can recall, some funny and some sad, but most of all of a strong determined woman who did what she needed to to make sure I left the house in the right direction and knowing what this life is all about having the testimony I needed. So thank you mom.
Stacey is and awesome woman, one that has it together. She may not think so someday s but she does and she has blessed my life so much since we have been together. She has a ton of patience with me and my short temper, and can just give me that look and I will feel so stupid. She complains that she doesn't cook to well but who cares. the greatest thing that I learned about mothers is to always be there for the kids and she is. No matter what. This past week Tori was in the hospital and I told Stacey that I would stay with Tori and she said no. I asked why and she said because your not her mother and this is what mothers do. Well I can't argue with that. A week from hell has brought out the strength that one needs to see how a person and woman and a mother pulls everyone and everything through in this life. I see how Tori and Calista will be as an awesome mother too and how they are being prepared to be in the same situations as Stacey, her mom and my mom. Guys can not compare to Girls, there is no way, we are way to wimpy when it comes to pain. So Stacey I love you and I want you to always remember that. you are my world and my best half and I love waking up with you by my side every single day.
Stacey's mom is no exception, she always looks out for Stacey and the kids and makes special situations that will make lasting memories for all that call her Grandma and Mom. She does the best Chirtmas parties and makes everyone feel special. Stacey will always call her mom first thing, and so many times I will call Stacey from work and she will say that she is talking to her mom and I'll have to call back later. It's funny how things never change and how over time a child will still feel the need to here mom's voice no matter where they are. Time and distance may stand in the way of seeing our mom's but Stacey and I both know that our moms are only a phone call away or a flight away if needed. Life and how it has been defined is pretty amazing. It makes you realize how precious it is and how lovine our Father in Heaven is that he gave us a mother. There may only be one day to natioanlly reconize mother's but each day is mothers day becasue of what they do and how they do it and how for me and our kids our home is a home because of MOM!

I LOVE YOU STACEY!!!! Happy Mothers Day! Sexy Momma!!!!

Oh my gosh you are so sweet! Thank you so much for this!This is so much better than a card...you are telling the whole world how you feel and that just rocks. I love you so much, you have brought such happiness to my life. You mean the world to me. You are right about the week from hell...that was awful, wasn't it? blah!
Curt - Stacey is so lucky to have you as a hubby and you are so lucky to have Stacey. You both ROCK imo! One day it will be great for us all to meet up - I think we'd all have a blast!
It's so nice to hear a husband sing his wife, mother and mother-in-laws praises. Your wife is a lucky woman. I bet you are a fun couple to be around.
Oh my gosh Curt...you brought a tear to my eye! I knew Stacey was a lucky girl but didn't know how lucky until now. Way to be!! Oh and I might add..you two Rock!!!
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